hence f /(*) dx = 0 by Cauchy's theorem, and this proves our assertion.
We can therefore define g(z) as the value of J/W dx for any road y in A
of origin a and extremity z, and by (9.7.2), g is defined in A. Now for any
z0 e A, there is an open ball B c A of center z0 in which f(z) is equal to a
convergent power series in z - z0; by (9.3.7) there is therefore a primitive h
of/in B which is analytic, and such that h(z0) = g(z0); hence we have for

h(z) - ft(*0) = f /(z0 + *(* - z0))(z - z0) dr.

But the right-hand side is by definition f f(x) dx, where a is the road
I ^ ZQ + /(z - ZQ) defined in [0,1]; as that road is in B c: A, we have
g(z) - #(z0) = f f(x) dx by definition of g, and therefore g(z) = h(z) in B.

(9.8.1) Any path y defined in an interval I = [a, b] and such that y(I) is
contained in the unit circle
U ={ze C | |z| = 1}, has the form t-^el^(t\
where \jt is a continuous mapping of
I into R; if y is a road, if/ is a primitive
of a regulated function.

As y is uniformly continuous in I, there is an increasing sequence of
points tk (0 < k ^ p) in I such that t0 = a, tp — b, and that the oscillation
(Section 3.14) of y in each of the intervals lk = [tk, tk+l] (0 < k ^p — 1)
be < 1. This implies that y(Ik) ^ U; if 9k e R is such that eidk <£ y(lk) (9.5.7),
then x ~+ el(x+6k) is a homeomorphism of the interval ]0,2n[ on the complement
of eldk in U (9.5.7). If <pk is the inverse homeomorphism, we can therefore
write, for t e Ik, y(t) = eiM\ where \j/k(t) = (pk(y(t)) +0fc is continuous in
lk. By (9.5.5), we have ^+1(^+1) = W^+i) + 2nkn with nk an integer
(0 < k </? — 2). Define now \j/ in I in the following way: \//(t) = \l/0(t) for
t e I0; by induction on k, we put \l/(f) = \l/k(t) + ^(^) - *A*(^) f or ^ < / < rfc+x.
By induction on k, it is immediately seen that ijs(tk) - 1/^(4) is an integral
multiple of 2n for Q^k^p- 1; therefore 7(0 = ew) for re I, and \j/
is obviously continuous in I. Moreover, if y(t) = a(r) + fj5(0, we have
a(*) = cos \l/(ty, ft(t) = sin \l/(t), and one of the numbers cos \l/(t), sin if/(t)
is not 0; from (9.5.4), and (8.2.3) applied to one of the functions cos*,
sin * at a point where it has a derivative ^ 0, we deduce that if y has a
derivative at a point t, so has \j/9 and i\l/'(t) = /(OMO> which ends our proof.